Learn about the WPCCC Board

Our current board members for 2024-2025 are…

Michael Robertson | Chair

Michael Robertson arrived in Ajo with his wife, Windy, and their daughters in 2016. While one daughter has left the nest and the other will likely follow next year, Michael and Windy are here for the long-haul. They love the Ajo community and work as property managers and renovate long-neglected homes.

Dale Faust | Vice Chair

Dale Faust and his wife, Mary Ann, have been full-time residents of Ajo for the last six years. Dale is retired and spends his time enjoying the desert, traveling, and volunteering with the Trash Monkey Collective.

Carol Spencer Royall | Treasurer

Carol Spencer Royall is a licensed Massage Therapist practicing at Bonzai Studio and she is returning for a second year as the Head Organizer for the annual LoveWorks Festival. Originally hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, Carol brings a diverse background to the Board, with experience in nonprofit finance, hospitality, customer service, event management, property management, and a strong commitment to volunteerism. Her passions lie in helping others and creating and supporting opportunities for community engagement.

Scott Warren | Secretary

Scott Warren lives in Ajo. He is a geographer who teaches, writes, and makes maps. He also volunteers with a number of border humanitarian organizations. He has been on the Western Pima County Community Council since 2018 and currently serves in the role of Secretary.

Adrian Vega | Member

Adrian Vega was born and raised in Ajo.

Beth Weber | Member

Beth Weber moved to Ajo in the summer of 2001. She loves the area and the people in it.  She is a retired violin instructor and orchestra conductor who still enjoys participating in music jams and performances. She has three daughters, one who recently moved to Ajo.  She has 9 grandchildren, two who attend public school in Ajo.  She is a member of The Trash Monkeys. Please don’t litter. She enjoys hiking, sports, and gardening.

John Romero | Member

Lupe Alvarez | Member