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  • Incorporated in 1989, WPCCC is a non-governing, all-volunteer representative body that assembles a monthly public meeting to inform the community, to amplify the voices of community members, and to bridge the information gap between County/State/Tribal governments and our unincorporated area.

  • WPCCC meetings are held at the Ajo Community Center, at 290 5th St (turn into the Bud Walker Park parking lot and you’ve arrived). Meetings almost always happen on the last Thursday of each month, at 6:00 p.m.. Everyone is not only welcome at WPCCC meetings but encouraged to attend—an informed citizenry is the bulwark of a healthy community!

  • Nope, just come and take a seat in the audience, like you’re watching a movie.

  • Yes - absolutely! Anyone moved to share information can step up to the mic during our “minute-to-spiel” period.

  • You should attend the WPCCC meeting. It’s only once a month, and it builds community. You’ll inevitably learn something interesting and run into someone you want to say hello to. WPCCC and pride in your Ajo community are one in the same.

  • That depends on who you know. The following volunteers comprise the current WPCCC board:

    • Lupe Alvarez

    • Dale Faust, Vice Chair

    • Michael Robertson, Chair

    • John Romero

    • Carol Royall, Treasurer

    • Adrian Vega

    • Scott Warren, Secretary

    • Beth Weber

  • It’s probably best to reach out to the board chair. If you don’t already have Michael Robertson’s phone number, it’s 928-261-0758.